The Real Benefits of Maintaining Your Furnace: What You Should Know

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Not many people know this, but having your furnace maintained regularly is one of the best things you can do to keep it running – and to avoid any costly repairs or breakdowns later on. The fact is that when you schedule maintenance checks for your furnace, this will ensure that any issues can be resolved early on before it becomes too late. It doesn’t even have to take long – and a checkup once a year will suffice for furnaces. Ideally, your furnace should be looked at as soon as possible – in other words; there’s no better time than the present to have it checked! And it’s ultimately better to rely on a technician when there isn’t an emergency rather than have a full-on crisis. But what else should you understand about regular maintenance? Here’s what you should know about the real benefits of maintaining your furnace.

Peace of mind and safety

There’s nothing compared to having true peace of mind, especially if your HVAC system has been adequately checked for safety. Of course, heating systems are not generally risky to operate – and besides, most have built-in features that ensure safety in operation. But if your furnace isn’t well-maintained, you could have issues. For instance, a furnace that doesn’t have the proper care could develop cracks, and a crack on the heat exchanger is dangerous as it can result in a carbon monoxide leak. It is a problem often faced by old furnaces rather than new ones, yet still, it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Another benefit you will get when you have your furnace checked and maintained regularly is energy efficiency. It’s normal for your furnace to go through wear and tear, especially if it has more than a few year’s operations. But what isn’t normal is the loss of energy efficiency. The good news is, with proper maintenance, your furnace can retain about 95 percent of its efficiency throughout its lifespan, as a furnace repair service Aurora IL such as McNally HVAC is quick to confirm.

Dependability and reliability

It is often seen as the most significant benefit – and rightly so. If you have a well-maintained furnace, it follows that it will be dependable – and you can rely on it no matter the season. You don’t have to worry that your furnace will suddenly break down or suffer from a major failure – or worse, not function at all. As part of your maintenance package, your furnace will undergo a thorough and complete inspection, and all its parts and components will be examined and cleaned. If anything needs to be replaced, it will be done before it worsens.

A longer lifespan

When your furnace is checked and maintained regularly, you are helping prolong its lifespan. Buying a furnace is no joke – it could very well be one of the biggest expenses for your household or business. So ideally, you would want it to last as long as possible – and work efficiently, too. When your furnace is functioning well and is checked regularly, it can last up to 15 years, maybe longer. An annual tune-up or inspection gives your furnace the best chance of lasting longer.

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