Secure Your Financial Future

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Secure your financial future comfort with an expert financial adviser in Leeds

With interest rates still at record lows over a decade after the financial crisis of 2008, many people may well feel insecure when it comes to their financial future.

If they’re thinking long-term, however, they can try to mitigate against these uncertainties because – while past performance isn’t an indicator as to how well investments will do in the future – there are ways in which they can manage their financial future by working with an expert financial adviser in Leeds and elsewhere.

Financial Advisers can help you to create a balanced and diversified investment portfolio that aims to work for you and your circumstances. Each portfolio is different, but could include:

Commercial Property
An opportunity for potential long-term capital growth, you may earn income from rents and build capital value/equity. Key to investing in commercial property are long leases and tenants that plan on staying in the building long-term.

Growth Portfolios
These are designed for those who are aiming to build up the value of their wealth and capital growth over the medium to long term. They allow investors the potential to grow their portfolio fairly quickly and are ideal for those with a specific goal in mind, whether that’s paying for their children’s education or early retirement.

Income Portfolios
As the name suggests, these are designed to aim to bring in a steady source of income for investors, making them an option for those in retirement looking to supplement their pensions. They can be high risk, although we can work with you to spread your investments across several portfolios to attempt to minimise this, depending on your risk appetite. They are flexible enough for you to switch investments easily while at the same time trying to reduce any potential tax liability.

Unit Trusts
Unit Trusts can accommodate the tax advantages extended by ISAs by reducing any further liability for income tax or capital gains tax. They can be a key part of an investment portfolio, albeit one of the least understood. They offer significant benefits to investors looking to grow their money in the medium to long term or wanting to set money aside for their children.

Offshore Investments
Offshore investments are another area of investing that can be misunderstood, yet they can be an attractive option for those looking to reduce their tax liability. One of the benefits of offshore investments is that you can invest as a lump sum or through regular payments, depending on your circumstances.

Regardless as to how much you have to invest or where you end up investing, talking to a financial adviser can help you manage your investment planning.

Why not contact one of our experts to discuss precisely what you want to achieve through your investments. We can work with you aiming to maximise any potential growth at the same time as reducing risks in your portfolio.

An equities investment does not provide the security of capital associated with a deposit account with a bank or building society.


Wine Walls for Wine Connoisseurs

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If you аrе раѕѕіоnаtе about wіnе, then уоu must store it соrrесtlу. Duе tо vаrіоuѕ chemical rеасtіоnѕ, all wіnе wіll еvеntuаllу gо оff, this is accelerated by ѕtоrіng іt аt thе wrong temperature, thе wrоng humidity or worse still, the wrоng tеmреrаturе аnd thе wrong humidity – tо dеlау thіѕ уоu must ѕtоrе your wine соrrесtlу. After аll, іt dоеѕn’t matter if уоu have ѕреnt a fеw роundѕ оn a bоttlе оf wіnе, or thousands оf pounds, you do nоt want tо store іt, оnlу to fіnd that whеn уоu соmе tо drink it, іt has gone оff. Stоrіng it correctly wіll ensure thаt your wіnе wіll last lоngеr.

Wе have аll ѕееn grаnd соuntrу hоuѕеѕ with wіnе cellars whеrе the wіnе саn be ѕtоrеd correctly аt thе rіght tеmреrаturе аnd humіdіtу. Unfortunately, in thіѕ dау аnd аgе, nоt mаnу оf uѕ hаvе such fасіlіtіеѕ – this іѕ where thе refridgerated wine walls ѕtер іn. Thе wіnе fridge stores thе wіnе аt thе соrrесt temperature аnd humіdіtу untіl уоu are rеаdу to еnjоу it. Thіѕ іѕ vіtаl іf уоu are storing іt fоr реrѕоnаl соnѕumрtіоn аt a lаtеr dаtе, оr іf уоu plan tо ѕtоrе іt аѕ аn іnvеѕtmеnt – thе right wіnе frіdgе will rерlісаtе the tеmреrаturе and thе humіdіtу оf a trаdіtіоnаl wine сеllаr. Wіnе fridges range from соuntеr top frіdgеѕ thаt contain a small numbеr оf bоttlеѕ whісh can be роѕіtіоnеd vіrtuаllу аnуwhеrе, frіdgеѕ іntеndеd tо bе іntеgrаtеd іntо уоur kіtсhеn, through to lаrgе frее ѕtаndіng fridges іntеndеd tо store mаnу bоttlеѕ for the serious wіnе connoisseur оr a hotel оr restaurant.Wine frіdgеѕ аrе ѕресіfісаllу dеѕіgnеd tо hеlр you tо store your wine соrrесtlу аnd mіmіс thе соndіtіоnѕ оf a сооl dаmр cellar.

So, I hеаr уоu ѕау, “can’t I juѕt ѕtоrе mу wіnе іn mу domestic fridge?” No! Yоur nоrmаl dоmеѕtіс frіdgе hаѕ three mаіn problems wіth it. Fіrѕtlу it іѕ too cold tо store your wіnе аt fоr аnу tіmе mоrе thаn аbоut a wееk, mеаnіng that іt wіll gо оff quicker. Secondly, the humіdіtу is іnсоrrесt аnd сhаngеѕ соnѕіdеrаblу dереndіng оn whаt is in your frіdgе аnd hоw уоu use it. This іѕ nоt ѕuсh a рrоblеm wіth wіnеѕ with screw-tops, hоwеvеr this can massively influence hоw еffесtіvе a cork is аt ѕtорріng аіr frоm gеttіng tо уоur wіnе. Thіrdlу, уоu ѕtоrе mаnу оthеr іtеmѕ іn your frіdgе wіth strong ѕmеllѕ аnd flаvоurѕ whісh mау соntаmіnаtе your wіnе. Sо, only іf уоu hаvе no аltеrnаtіvе, ѕhоuld you uѕе уоur domestic frіdgе to ѕtоrе your wine, аnd then оnlу fоr a ѕmаll time. “Ok, so whаt аbоut mу bееr fridge?” Nо! Bееr frіdgеѕ hаvе become mаѕѕіvеlу рорulаr оvеr thе last few уеаrѕ. Hоwеvеr, thеѕе аrе generally just small versions of your dоmеѕtіс frіdgе – that іѕ thеу аrе tоо cold. Thеу dо have thе аdvаntаgе thаt ѕtrоng flavoured аnd smelling fооdѕ are nоt gеnеrаllу ѕtоrеd іn thеm, hоwеvеr thеу dо nоt gеnеrаllу have rасkѕ іnѕіdе thеm tо ensure that wines саn соrrесtlу be stored оn their ѕіdе аnd dо not control humidity. So, better thаn a dоmеѕtіс fridge? Arguably. As good a place tо ѕtоrе уоur wine as a wіnе frіdgе? Cеrtаіnlу nоt!

6 Things You Have To Keep In Mind To Save Money When Selling Your Home

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Home selling is a long and tiring process which could possibly cost you thousands of dollars. To save money, here are 6 things you should keep in mind:

1.Don’t work with multiple real estate agents

Work with only one real estate agent at a time. Do not work with multiple agents because it will cost you more to pay their fees. Agent fees vary so aim for those with only 1% commission. You can limit your tie-in period with an agent for six months maximum and move to a different agent if the first one is unable to sell your house within six months. Most importantly, do not discuss to other agencies what an agency valued your house for because it would cause distortion of offers.

  1. Go for the most recommended solicitor

Going for the cheapest solicitor in town may compromise the quality of the job you need. So it is best that you talk to different real estate agents and get their most recommended solicitor. Do not just get the name of the legal firm, get the specific name and contact number. Give them a call and assess how efficient, friendly, and helpful they are when talking to you. Ask for their fees and haggle if you want but make sure you are getting the best service you deserve for the right price. Paying a little more and getting the best service is always a better choice than paying less and compromising quality.

  1. Sell your house privately

DIY or do-it-yourself is also one way to save thousands of money you would be spending for professional fees if you work with an agent. However, doing it yourself could be very tiring because it takes a lot of effort and time. You have to do research and a lot of advertising on your own to get interested potential buyers. You can either advertise in newspapers, put some signs, or print some flyers. But the best way to advertise your home is through the internet. Different social media platforms widen your audience reach and widen the possibility of getting your home a buyer. Also, many of the homebuyers now are Millennials who are very much into the internet. Post some adorable, great quality photos of your home and surely, you’ll hook with someone interested from the web.

  1. Be aware of the market activities

When the housing market is strong and there is high home buying demand, that’s obviously the best time to call a reputable “we buy houses Los Angeles” company. Based on the market trend, spring is the best buying season, and also some early and late parts of summer, so be sure that your property is ready to be on listings by then. However, you have to also reconsider unprecedented events, like a pandemic health crisis, which largely impacts the market activities. So keep a keen eye on the flow of the economy and better yet talk with an expert so you know when to push or to put your decisions on hold.

  1. Fix your house issues DIY

Needless to say, homes in good condition sell faster than the ones that are poorly. Your home’s condition can impact the impression of the inspector, thus the value of your house could drop, and you could possibly end up losing thousands of dollars’ worth of value that you could easily get if you fixed those minor problems. Do-it-yourself all those minor issues and don’t leave them as they are—mow your lawn, plant new flowers, remove dead plants and debris, clean the driveway, make sure the doorbell is working, put a trash bin outside, remove the cobwebs, dust the furniture, repaint and level up the color of the exterior and interior walls of your house, put some fluffy throw pillows, colorful vases, hang artworks on walls, and decorate kitchen countertops with succulents.

But if DIY projects are too much for you to handle, better hire a handyman. They are usually jack-of-all-trades, and hiring one to do all the jobs would definitely save you a lot.

  1. Sell your house to an iBuyer

Direct investors or iBuyers buy houses fast. You can skip all the steps and hassle doing it your own or with an agent to sell your house fast Los Angeles. Save a lot of time and effort by talking to a direct investor. They give you a fast all-cash fair-written offer within 24 hours and can close in 7 days or on the date you prefer.

The best part is they require nothing from you to do any upgrade on your house. They buy your home for cash, fast, and as is. Talk to one now from Candid Property Solutions!


Tips for Homebuyers and Home Sellers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

By rtoonline No comments

If you have been planning to buy your first house this year or sell the old one, you must have probably put those plans on hold now after the coronavirus happened. You must be feeling like you ran out of choice now and you’re just sitting and waiting patiently.

Here are some practical steps you can take while in the midst of this pandemic which may save you precious time and effort once the market is fully back up and running:

Tips for Homebuyers

  1. Use Technology

Companies now are turning into technology to serve their clients. People can search houses, do virtual house tours, or video call tours, to find the best home for their taste. Other sellers even film their daily routine and give buyers ideas about the general feel of the neighborhood.

  1. Read Floorplan 

Learn how to read the floorplan so that you’ll have a better picture of the space. You can also measure your own kitchen or living room and then compare it to the home you were checking out so you have an idea how wide or narrow the space is.

  1. Prepare Paperwork

If you are applying for a mortgage, prepare the necessary documents ahead of time to save yourself the hassle. You need a passport, pay slips and bank statements for at least three recent months, billing statements with the current address, and more.

Having the documents prepared early, you will most likely be prioritized once the market has normalized.

  1. Check Credit Score

Check your borrowing and find out your credit rating. There are online websites you can make use to check your credit score.

One of the best ways to boost your credit rating is to get a credit card, spend with it and make sure to pay regularly. It will show your capability to repay for your borrowings sensibly.

Tips for Home sellers

  1. Finish Do-It-Yourself Jobs

Hardware are considered essential business so they are allowed to stay open during this quarantine period. That means you can still buy what you may need for any DIY fix ups you house needs.

You may want to repaint, replace tiles, clean the windows, vacuum the carpets, replace leaking faucet, and others.

  1. Fix Your Garden Landscape

Work on your garden and make it look good again. Remove the rubbish, pull out the weeds, fill the planters, wash the patios, replace or repaint the fence.

You may want to use wood flooring and light carpets to add value to your home and impress interested buyers.

Declutter the garden shed, the loft, the garage, and eliminate unnecessary or unusable stuff that has been staying there for some time. This task may take hours or days, so take advantage of the quarantine, as you may not have the luxury of time once the quarantine is done.

  1. Use Technology

Don’t be camera shy. Go ahead and offer video calls to show the interested buyers around your home remotely. While buyers and sellers alike are stuck at home, doing video tours is a convenient way to communicate and give buyers the impression of what your home is like so you can sell your house fast.

  1. Do Not Disregard the Exterior

The exterior creates the first impression of your home, so the way it looks like is very important. Do not disregard it because first impressions count the most.

Clean the windows, the gutters, the driveway, and put a garbage bin. The color of your home also adds value to as much as 20% more than those with boring exteriors. So make sure the wall of your house is fully painted neat and clean.

Once this chaos is over, there may be a rush on the demand of painters and decorators, so if you can’t do the repainting yourself, book them now and get the task done.

Tips for Sellers Who Need Fast Cash

  1. Talk to a Direct Investor

Whether you are in a dire need of cash for all your other necessities, or you just want to skip the hassle of putting your house in the market for sale, then opt to do business with a direct investor. They offer the most convenient process, quick, and seamless, that you can even go through while in the comforts of your home.

  1. No Need to Upgrade

We buy Houses Los Angeles” investors like Mrs. Property Solutions buy your house as is. No need to clean, do upgrades or fixes in your home because they buy houses fast.

  1. Fast Cash Fast Turnaround

They provide a fair-written, no-obligation, all-cash offer within 24 hours and can close as fast as 7 days or on the date you prefer. Contact Mrs. Property Solutions now!